夢中鼻隆到歪 整容男子風吹都痛 - pakdin.my


名華裔貨倉助理申訴,他慎重考慮半年後,決定到甲洞一所私人整型專科診所進行隆鼻、割雙眼皮和 鼻孔縮小手術,希望能將原本扁平的鼻子隆得像歐美男子的鼻子一樣挺直。沒想到,他花費1萬8800令吉進行手術後,卻發現鼻樑歪曲,並導致一邊的鼻孔阻 塞,而診所負責人卻拒絕賠償,他只好向警方報案,並保留起訴的權利。




Key points:
1. Believing that he could be another Adam Lavine, a 20-year-old warehouse assistant went under the knife in a private clinic in Kepong, but the results were devastating.
2. He spent RM18,880 for a rhinoplasty (nose job), double eyelid surgery and nostril reduction surgery, but what he got at the end is a tilted nose with one of the nostrils blocked. This caused him to suffer from respiratory problem and a change in voice.
3. He lodged a police report after the clinic refused to compensate him for the botched surgeries. He reserved the rights to sue the clinic for damage.
4. He told the media that the clinic, however, offered him a second chance to reconstruct his face, but he rejected the offer out of fear that it might cause him further harm.

UTAMA夢中鼻隆到歪 整容男子風吹都痛

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