Sin Chew’s Interview With Wan Azizah: RM5 Publicity

Chinese newspaper, Sin Chew recently published an exclusive interview with PKR President, Datin Seri Wan Azizah, to get her response on current issues as well as the coming election.

We do not go through Wan Azizah’s comments because they are predictable where everything which the government has done is bad, and the opposition is the best, other than saying that her husband is the holiest man in the world who kept on becoming victim of the government. All the claims are false and everything has to do with UMNO including Lahad Datu incident where her husband is never involved and he only met with Misuari to have a regular chat.

Obviously, those are Wan Azizah’s regular responses, so no one need to waste their time asking her anything.

However, the interesting part of the interview would be what is Sin Chew’s motive for giving cheap publicity to Wan Azizah?

Because the things which they focused on were not current issues. Instead, it is about how humble Wan Azizah really is.

According to Sin Chew, Wan Azizah do not use any jewelries unlike most wives of government high officers. Instead, she just uses a fake pearl which cost RM5.

Our message to Wan Azizah, don’t have to pretend to be humble. The RM5 pearl does not mean anything to be compared to her family’s luxury home which cost millions of dollars even when the husband does not really work. Who has been covering the expenses for food, education for the children, going in and out of the country, hotels for her, her husband and children?

However, in another angle, it is not impossible that Wan Azizah did speak the truth about her RM5 pearl, because if we are to look at all the expose made regarding her marriage with Anwar, we would find that most of those who are close to the family do admit that Anwar has never really given any attention or luxury to his wife, so that he would seem like a good politician.

But, at the same time, Anwar gives all the luxuries to his scandals.

Few of the stories which were exposed in court include his adopted brother, Suka Dermawan who was given a special room in his own house as well as huge capital to develop his own company. The same thing goes to Shamsidar Taharin, Azmin Ali’s wife, who is Anwar’s scandal, who gets high income for working as a Company Director without having to work at all, other than getting shares and jewelries as gifts.

While his wife, Wan Azizah, is told to use the moderate wife image so that his misconduct would not be detected.

Recently, we read the expose made by an assistant of one of Anwar’s lawyers, Yuktes Vijay, who said that Anwar did not have to spend even a cent in most matters because he has a sponsor. If this true, it seems that Anwar has a very rich sponsor.

Logically, if someone is sacked, even if he was a Deputy Prime Minister, the life would not be as luxurious as it was before, especially after 13 years of it. Just imagine, Anwar would appoint almost 10 lawyers each time he heads to court. His lawyers are famous lawyers who definitely charge a large sum for their service.

Thus, how could he pay for those legal fees, cost of living as well as his political career? Obviously those things would have cost billions. With the unlimited fund, how cruel could Anwar be for letting his wife put on a RM5 pearl?

Other than Anwar’s cruelty against Azizah, lets not forget the expose made by Keadilan’s Youth Deputy Secretary, Lokman Nor Adam in early 2012 about how when Anwar was in prison, Nurul Izzah received money worth USD200,000 from Joseph Estrada, the Philippine President at the time, for efforts to free Anwar. The money was then given to her mother, Wan Azizah. However, until Lokman left PKR, Wan Azizah did not put even a single cent to the party’s account.

The same thing happen when Lokman’s friend, Nasir Husin, who was also detained under ISA, received cheque worth RM5 million from Datuk Soh Chee Wen, on the name of Wan Azizah to help the party and Anwar Ibrahim. However, the same thing happened where not even a single cent was given by Wan Azizah to the party.

This matter was revealed since 2012 but until now no one is suing Lokman Nor Adam, not even Anwar, even though suing people is part of his hobby.

That is why, if Sin Chew is amazed over Wan Azizah as she is willing to put on jewelry worth RM5 during their interview, they are right. Imagine, even when the family stole billions of ringgit, Wan Azizah still pretends to be modest by only wearing jewelries worth not more than RM10.


SPRM tangguh rakam keterangan Ismail Sabri, cuti sakit hingga 12 Mac

[VIDEO] Lapan rumah di Sekinchan musnah dipukul ribut

Pesawat tempur Korea Selatan tidak sengaja melepaskan bom di kawasan awam, 8 orang cedera

PRK Dun Ayer Kuning: PH berperanan sebagai pendukung, pastikan kemenangan BN – Saifuddin

[VIDEOO] Wanita langgar kereta kekasihnya kerana cemburu

SPRM Kedah tahan ahli perniagaan minta, terima rasuah RM400,000

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Najib akan saman Muhyiddin dan Wan Saiful kerana menghina mahkamah

6.5 juta permohonan bantuan kredit eMADANI telah diluluskan

6.5 juta permohonan bantuan kredit eMADANI telah diluluskan

[Video] Shahril Hamdan beri penerangan konsep asas belanjawan negara

Lars Vilks, kartunis Sweden yang pernah menghina Nabi Muhammad maut dilanggar trak


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PRK Dun Ayer Kuning: PH berperanan sebagai pendukung, pastikan kemenangan BN – Saifuddin

PRK DUN Ayer Kuning: 6 calon UMNO Tapah masih dalam senarai

PRK DUN Ayer Kuning: Lipat ganda usaha menangkan calon BN – Saarani

UMNO, BN Sabah harus dominan pada PRN demi kemajuan Sabah – Ahmad Zahid

Sin Chew’s Interview With Wan Azizah: RM5 Publicity

Chinese newspaper, Sin Chew recently published an exclusive interview with PKR President, Datin Seri Wan Azizah, to get her response on current issues as well as the coming election.

We do not go through Wan Azizah’s comments because they are predictable where everything which the government has done is bad, and the opposition is the best, other than saying that her husband is the holiest man in the world who kept on becoming victim of the government. All the claims are false and everything has to do with UMNO including Lahad Datu incident where her husband is never involved and he only met with Misuari to have a regular chat.

Obviously, those are Wan Azizah’s regular responses, so no one need to waste their time asking her anything.

However, the interesting part of the interview would be what is Sin Chew’s motive for giving cheap publicity to Wan Azizah?

Because the things which they focused on were not current issues. Instead, it is about how humble Wan Azizah really is.

According to Sin Chew, Wan Azizah do not use any jewelries unlike most wives of government high officers. Instead, she just uses a fake pearl which cost RM5.

Our message to Wan Azizah, don’t have to pretend to be humble. The RM5 pearl does not mean anything to be compared to her family’s luxury home which cost millions of dollars even when the husband does not really work. Who has been covering the expenses for food, education for the children, going in and out of the country, hotels for her, her husband and children?

However, in another angle, it is not impossible that Wan Azizah did speak the truth about her RM5 pearl, because if we are to look at all the expose made regarding her marriage with Anwar, we would find that most of those who are close to the family do admit that Anwar has never really given any attention or luxury to his wife, so that he would seem like a good politician.

But, at the same time, Anwar gives all the luxuries to his scandals.

Few of the stories which were exposed in court include his adopted brother, Suka Dermawan who was given a special room in his own house as well as huge capital to develop his own company. The same thing goes to Shamsidar Taharin, Azmin Ali’s wife, who is Anwar’s scandal, who gets high income for working as a Company Director without having to work at all, other than getting shares and jewelries as gifts.

While his wife, Wan Azizah, is told to use the moderate wife image so that his misconduct would not be detected.

Recently, we read the expose made by an assistant of one of Anwar’s lawyers, Yuktes Vijay, who said that Anwar did not have to spend even a cent in most matters because he has a sponsor. If this true, it seems that Anwar has a very rich sponsor.

Logically, if someone is sacked, even if he was a Deputy Prime Minister, the life would not be as luxurious as it was before, especially after 13 years of it. Just imagine, Anwar would appoint almost 10 lawyers each time he heads to court. His lawyers are famous lawyers who definitely charge a large sum for their service.

Thus, how could he pay for those legal fees, cost of living as well as his political career? Obviously those things would have cost billions. With the unlimited fund, how cruel could Anwar be for letting his wife put on a RM5 pearl?

Other than Anwar’s cruelty against Azizah, lets not forget the expose made by Keadilan’s Youth Deputy Secretary, Lokman Nor Adam in early 2012 about how when Anwar was in prison, Nurul Izzah received money worth USD200,000 from Joseph Estrada, the Philippine President at the time, for efforts to free Anwar. The money was then given to her mother, Wan Azizah. However, until Lokman left PKR, Wan Azizah did not put even a single cent to the party’s account.

The same thing happen when Lokman’s friend, Nasir Husin, who was also detained under ISA, received cheque worth RM5 million from Datuk Soh Chee Wen, on the name of Wan Azizah to help the party and Anwar Ibrahim. However, the same thing happened where not even a single cent was given by Wan Azizah to the party.

This matter was revealed since 2012 but until now no one is suing Lokman Nor Adam, not even Anwar, even though suing people is part of his hobby.

That is why, if Sin Chew is amazed over Wan Azizah as she is willing to put on jewelry worth RM5 during their interview, they are right. Imagine, even when the family stole billions of ringgit, Wan Azizah still pretends to be modest by only wearing jewelries worth not more than RM10.

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PRK Dun Ayer Kuning: PH berperanan sebagai pendukung, pastikan kemenangan BN – Saifuddin

PRK DUN Ayer Kuning: 6 calon UMNO Tapah masih dalam senarai

PRK DUN Ayer Kuning: Lipat ganda usaha menangkan calon BN – Saarani

UMNO, BN Sabah harus dominan pada PRN demi kemajuan Sabah – Ahmad Zahid

SPRM tangguh rakam keterangan Ismail Sabri, cuti sakit hingga 12 Mac

[VIDEO] Lapan rumah di Sekinchan musnah dipukul ribut

Pesawat tempur Korea Selatan tidak sengaja melepaskan bom di kawasan awam, 8 orang cedera

PRK Dun Ayer Kuning: PH berperanan sebagai pendukung, pastikan kemenangan BN – Saifuddin

[VIDEOO] Wanita langgar kereta kekasihnya kerana cemburu

SPRM Kedah tahan ahli perniagaan minta, terima rasuah RM400,000

Bukan kroni atau proksi, saya di sini untuk bercakap benar – bekas Pengerusi 1MDB


Najib akan saman Muhyiddin dan Wan Saiful kerana menghina mahkamah

6.5 juta permohonan bantuan kredit eMADANI telah diluluskan

6.5 juta permohonan bantuan kredit eMADANI telah diluluskan

[Video] Shahril Hamdan beri penerangan konsep asas belanjawan negara

Lars Vilks, kartunis Sweden yang pernah menghina Nabi Muhammad maut dilanggar trak

[Video] Budak sekolah kantoi buat hubungan sulit dalam tandas