
Jet’s disappearance was deliberate #MH370

The missing Malaysian jetliner was deliberately diverted and continued flying for more than six hours after losing contact with the ground, meaning it could...

马总理: #MH370当日8:11联络卫星

3月15日中午,马来西亚总理纳吉布在吉隆坡举行记者发布会,只通报进展,不允许记者提问。发布会要点如下: 1.根据最新卫星数据,我们几乎可以肯定客机通讯系统被人为中断。 2.客机刚飞离马来西亚东部沿岸时,ACARS就被关闭。客机抵达马越边境之前应答机被关闭。 3.马来西亚军用雷达曾监测到一架飞机向西转,飞跃马来西亚半岛,转向西北飞入马六甲海峡区域,然后从雷达信息中消失。根据今天最新卫星数据,我们可以肯定,该飞机是失联客机。

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