Masyarakat India kecewa dengan Hindraf dan pembangkang bekerjasama dengan Mahathir


Posted by Facebook on Thursday, August 27, 2015


Open letter to Mr. P.Waythamoorthy, Hindraf Chairperson

Dear Mr.Waythamoorthy,

I am one of the 100,000 Indians who took part in the historic demonstrations on 25th Nov 2007. I was 24 years then and was still in college, very aggressive and impulsive. I got detained and took great effort from my family to get me released. At 33 have two sons aged 7 and 5. As a father am concerned about their future in this country. I am more sober and critical on matters concerning me, my family and by extension my community. I am compelled to write this letter to express my feelings about the fresh call by you to the community to support you in 2017 for another round of agitation.

Mr Waythamoorthy, you stirred up the community by filing a frivolous case against the British Government in the London Courts in Aug 2007 claiming USD 4 trillion as compensation (you told innocent folks the possibility of each Indian getting One million US dollars ).You collected funds, (I too contributed to support your stay in UK). Although I was not a believer of that case, nevertheless I supported you because by default it would give an international profile to the predicament of Malaysian Indians.

After the demonstration, few of us got detained, your brother Uthayakumar and 4 others were sent to Kamunting under ISA, you quietly sneaked out and ran to the UK. You negotiated a deal, came back, embraced Najib, and became Senator and Deputy Minister. Subsequently you resigned. You got to where you were was because of thousands of guys like me. You lost us. Now you are attempting to come back to use us again. Forget it my friend.

My motivation to support Hindraf and participate in the demonstration was to stand up against the alienation the Indians in Malaysia were subjected to under the 22 year racist regime of Mahathir Mohammad. Years before, I was informed that when Mohandas and Mahendran reached the Everest peak, RTM was forced to cut the live telecast because Mahathir was disappointed that both successful climbers were Indians. Such was Mahathir’s racial prejudice and bigotry. He failed to appreciate that both our guys placed the Malaysian flag at the summit and not the Indian flag.

After Nov 2007, we supported the opposition in 2008 and 2013 elections. Conspicuously over the last 8 years the opposition went silent on Indian plight although they controlled two high growth, economically prosperous states with high Indian population density, there was not even a symbolic program within the state administration of Penang and Selangor for Indian empowerment .We as a community are forgotten by them.

Coming now to 20th Oct 2016, a day to remember , which I wish to share with you , it is the day when I took my two sons to the 1st match of the 2016 FAM cup final at the Shah Alam stadium. When I looked around I saw my friends from DAP, PKR together with mostly MIC youth joining together all in support of the MIFA team. I saw the unity of our community. The players although a novice team showed great determination and grid. They played hard and were able to end the game with a 1 goal advantage. They demonstrated to us all that with teamwork and unity we can as a community achieve success.

It is the day my sons had their Indian identity rekindled by seeing their MIFA team win, so intense was my kids commitment to the team MIFA I was pressured to drive them to Ipoh on 27th Oct to support MIFA on the second leg of the final. This was in the opponent’s home ground, the atmosphere was electrifying and intense similar to feelings I had on the Hindraf demonstration day but this time with a positive hope of ending the day in glory. Yes it was. The MIFA boys delivered. The MIFA team attacked, defended and battled till the last and won the coveted FAM cup after decades of being in the fringes. My sons were overawed, the psychology of success and hope of new possibilities was imprinted into the young minds that night. Thanks to MIFA. The following week the elder boy was already attending the junior camp for young footballers set up by MIFA. I came to know this was funded by the BN government grant.

Dear Mr. Waythamoorthy, please tell me what should I do? Follow you next year on your anti BN agitation? Stop my sons from attending the MIFA football camp because it is supported by a grant from BN government and because MIFA is a MIC initiative? Tell me Sir?

Mr. Waythamoorthy, your chosen battle cry for your agitation next year ‘not a single vote for BN’s essentially you telling all Indians to ‘ give all our votes to Mahathir’ the man who denied Mohandas and Mahendran recognition. Mahathir wants to topple Najib to make his son the future Prime Minster. That’s his goal. To support this ambition of his you want Indians to vote for his coalition.

Mr. Waythamoorthy please leave the community alone , enough of your pseudo intellectual politics of playing with the community’s plight and pain for your gain .You have lost credibility. Your attempt to project an image as the champion of the marginalized Indian again would have no takers. Let me tell you I have been through the journey with you and now the effectiveness with which MIFA is producing victories in the field, I will not be surprised if my sons one day in future choose to join MIC. Can I stop them?

V. Loganathan
Hindraf supporter
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